Starting your own private company has never been an easy task. Even if you have all the funds, ideas, and the marketing team to start with, you will still have to go through the registering process, and that is where things might get tricky. But if you can keep some crucial points in mind, you will definitely find your experience easier and better. So what will you have to do if you are starting a private limited company in Norway? Let’s check out all the details and see how things are done!
Do remember that if you are having financial problems in starting your private company, you can borrow money quite easily in Norway. You can check out services like Ferratum that allow business owners to borrow money. But make sure that the companies are trusted enough, and they are not charging massive interest at the end.
How to register your own Private Limited Company in Norway: Step-By-Step Guide!
Just follow the steps mentioned below, and you will be able to start your own private limited company in Norway!
1. Check the requirements to be a company owner
If you want to be a company owner in Norway, you must be 18 years old or older in order to start the process. Not only that, but your company should also have a physical address that you can easily declare to the authorities.
If you are looking for services for your company, even to rent a place to get a physical address, you can check out Norskeanmeldelser and find all the services in Norway with ease. You can even check their reviews there to see what customers think about them.
2. Fill the foundation form
Yes, you might have already found the company, but you have to declare it to the government. You have to fill the foundation of a private limited company form, and that is where you will have to input all the required details. After filling it and submitting it to the relevant authorities, your company will be officially founded by you along with the partners, if there are any.
3. Set up a capital account
For the registration of your company, a simple bank account would not do the job. You will require a shared capital account for your company where all the expenses can be managed. But don’t worry, almost all banks allow customers to open a shared capital account. You will just have to declare the foundation form, and it will be good to go.
And yes, do remember that your account must have some amount or share capital so that you can get a receipt.
4. Register your company
This is where you have almost reached the final step to register your company. After getting the receipt, you will have to register your company through the register of business enterprises. Finally, you will receive a notification in your inbox where you will have to sign, along with all the directors, to complete the process.
This is how you can start your own private limited company in Norway. Just keep all the essential documents available and do not let the other party create any situation by keeping everything in order.